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Bratz Wiki

Nita is a Bratz Babyz character that was introduced as a doll in the The Movie Twiins collection and on-screen in Bratz Babyz: The Movie.


Nita has pale skin, purple eyes and long dark brown hair. She has a beauty mark above the right side of her lip.


Nita is the feisty twin, always calling her sister names such as dopey or Nora Snore-A though she and her sister grow to love each other eventually.



Nita has a twin sister named Nora and an older sister named Jillian.


Nita is good friends with Cloe, Sasha, Jade, Yasmin, Harvey and Cameron.


Nita has a pet dog named Snappy.

Voice Actors

List of Appearances


  • "Hi, I'm Nita! My twin knows I'm totally tough!"[1]


  • Nita as a girl's name is of Hebrew origin meaning "Grace".
  • Unlike her sister Nora, Nita has never been produced as regular Bratz doll.




  1. Quote from the back of Nita's The Movie box

Bratz Doll Characters
Main Characters
Cloe | Jade | Sasha | Yasmin
Secondary Characters
Breeana | Dana | Felicia | Fianna | Katia | Kumi | Meygan | Nevra | Phoebe | Raya II | Roxxi | Sharidan | Vinessa
Minor Characters
Adri | Adrienne | Amélie | Anyssa | Ariane | Ashby | Aubrey | Brielle | Brigitte I | Brigitte II | Carrie | Cassy | Charli | Ciara I | Ciara II | Daphne I | Daphne II | Dee | Destiny | Diona | Dresden | Emanuelle | Emy | Etienne | Filon | Finora | Geneva | Janelle | Jaylene | Jeanne B | Joelle | Kaycee | Keelin | Kiana | Kiani | Kina | Kirana | Kirstee | Krysta | Kylie | Lana | Leah | Lela | Leora | Lian | Lilani | Lilee | Liliana | Lina | Lydia | Maci | Maribel | Marielle | May-Lin | Myra | Nadine | Nevaeh | Nikki | Noemie | Nona | Nora | Odelia | Oriana | Peyton | Polita | Portia | Raya I | Rina I | Rina II | Rylan | Sabina | Shadi | Shania | Shira | Siernna | Sonya | Sorrel | Sorya | Tess | Tessa | Tiana I | Tiana II | Trinity | Tyla | Valentina | Vee Filez
Babyz Characters
Aira | Alicia | Avery | Erin | Kesara | Nita | Nola | Rory | Sivan | Tali | Yamit | Zama
Lil' Bratz Characters
Ailani | Nazalia | Rinnie | Talia | Zada
Lil' Angelz Characters
Ashley | Carlyn | Isa | Sana